A Journey Starts with a Small Step

At the end of May, I took my wife to river raft and hike the Grand Canyon.  The trip was amazing.  On the last day of the trip we hiked from the Colorado River (which is not seen from the top) to the South Rim.  The hike is 8 miles long, but the toughest part is you hike up 1 vertical mile.  Additionally, you carry your gear on your back – my pack weighed in at 46 lbs!GrandCanyonHike

Every journey starts with a small step.  Then you just put one foot in front of the other and you won’t believe the progress you make.  Six and a half hours later I looked back from the top of the Canyon and was amazed at how far we went.

Starting a business is similar to taking a long hike.  Step after step you make progress and before long you won’t believe how far you’ve gotten.  If the property management business seems like a journey you want to take, my program will lighten your load.  But you have to take that first step.

Published on June 24, 2009 in Business Start Up

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About the author

Educated at Cornell University. Trained in the United States Army. Russell Munz has taken resources from both of these experiences to benefit you with the documentation included in the Quick Start Property Manager Program. Read more about Russell…

Why this Property Managment Program?

This is a step-by-step guide to becoming a property manager. It walks you through your first 30 days, provides you with checklists, forms, and templates and most of all, shows you how to find clients so you can start earning money fast!

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