Want To Be a Property Manager But Don’t Like Accounting? We Have You Covered


People get into property management for many reasons.  There is the recurring income, for some it is working with people, for others it is the ability to get out of the office and help onsite.  But the hang up for some is they don’t like accounting, so what are you to do?   When starting […]

Published on April 16, 2019 in Business Start Up, Property Management

Recession Proof Your Life


The average business cycle is 61 months long going back to 1950.  We are much farther along at 106 months we are in the 2nd longest business recovery in US history.  When recessions come along real estate sales drop and construction activity drops along with related professions and the general economy.  One thing that doesn’t […]

Published on May 1, 2018 in Property Management

Opportunity from Low Interest Rates for So Long


Interest rates have been low for an extended period of time to stoke the economic recovery after the Great Recession.  This environment leads to house appreciation and also people using equity in their house to purchase second homes (sound familiar).  One area where you may have more opportunity in property management is in managing second […]

Published on April 8, 2018 in Property Management

Property Management Explosion


My wife and I like renting a house when we go away with our son.  Its more affordable than renting a hotel room in many cases and you can prepare your own food and do laundry making it even more affordable than a standard stay at a hotel.  The short term rental of houses is […]

Published on January 26, 2018 in Property Management

Property Manager as Concierge


With the dawn of VRBO (Vacation Rental by Owner) and Air BnB – there are more opportunities to be a property manager to handle a second home or vacation property for an owner.  The Concierge manager is one title for someone who handles these short term rentals.  The manager may play a role in vetting […]

Published on April 4, 2017 in Property Management

Set Thermostats to 45-50 degrees


If you are managing vacant property  you want to ensure you don’t get an early cold snap that freezes pipes.  Frozen pipes are a major source of water damage and water damage creates 65% of the damage to homes.  We recommend you keep thermostats at 45-50 degrees to prevent freeze ups.  A critical detail is […]

Published on November 5, 2015 in Property Management

Opportunity in Any Economic Cycle


Property Management is about good service and good service is in demand.  Good service never goes out of fashion.  Plus property managers get paid monthly for their service and it is not dependent on the ups and downs of the economy or housing cycle.   In fact in a down housing or economic cycle you […]

Published on October 7, 2015 in Property Management

Don’t Over Promise


I have lost many sales in my career to competitors that said they could do everything and do it cheaper.  Then after a year, two or three the prospect calls me back up and tells me how unhappy they are.  They also say they are afraid of choosing a new manager.  They are afraid of […]

Published on May 8, 2015 in Property Management

Handling Frustrated Clients


My business is in Connecticut and the Northeast has had a very cold winter and a lot of snow.  A few days this winter we have had warm ups causing the snow and ice on roofs to melt – which stresses drains and roofs and can cause leaks. We have many clients that call in the night about […]

Published on March 4, 2015 in Property Management

What Business Model Do You Choose?


When starting your business, at the core you have 2 distinct business models to choose from.  You can be the low cost, low service provider or you can be higher cost and provide more service &  handholding.  There is room in most markets for both models to succeed.  Many prospects say they want more service but don’t […]

Published on December 3, 2014 in Property Management
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Why Reinvent the Wheel?

If you are looking to start a management business in preparation for the next business down cycle (recession) you came to the right place.  The reason I wrote this book and created this companion website with downloadable forms was a direct result of construction, architects and realtors that wanted to have a recurring income stream.  […]

Want To Be a Property Manager But Don’t Like Accounting? We Have You Covered

People get into property management for many reasons.  There is the recurring income, for some it is working with people, for others it is the ability to get out of the office and help onsite.  But the hang up for some is they don’t like accounting, so what are you to do?   When starting […]

Recession Proof Your Life

The average business cycle is 61 months long going back to 1950.  We are much farther along at 106 months we are in the 2nd longest business recovery in US history.  When recessions come along real estate sales drop and construction activity drops along with related professions and the general economy.  One thing that doesn’t […]

About the author

Educated at Cornell University. Trained in the United States Army. Russell Munz has taken resources from both of these experiences to benefit you with the documentation included in the Quick Start Property Manager Program. Read more about Russell…

Why this Property Managment Program?

This is a step-by-step guide to becoming a property manager. It walks you through your first 30 days, provides you with checklists, forms, and templates and most of all, shows you how to find clients so you can start earning money fast!

Take a closer look: Front cover | Table of contents | Introduction | Back cover

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