Why Reinvent the Wheel?


If you are looking to start a management business in preparation for the next business down cycle (recession) you came to the right place.  The reason I wrote this book and created this companion website with downloadable forms was a direct result of construction, architects and realtors that wanted to have a recurring income stream.  […]

Published on February 28, 2020 in Business Start Up

Want To Be a Property Manager But Don’t Like Accounting? We Have You Covered


People get into property management for many reasons.  There is the recurring income, for some it is working with people, for others it is the ability to get out of the office and help onsite.  But the hang up for some is they don’t like accounting, so what are you to do?   When starting […]

Published on April 16, 2019 in Business Start Up, Property Management

Fear of Change


There is a natural anxiety that comes up around change.  The best relief for this is to have an expert advise you on how to make the change.  They can answer questions, come up with actions and help keep you away from pitfalls.  That is exactly why I developed this program to help aspiring property managers […]

Published on March 13, 2017 in Business Start Up

Start With The First Step


It is said “the journey of a 1,000 miles begins with one step” (Lao Tzu).  Where are you on your journey?  Is your goal to start and run your own business?  If so then researching, planning and supporting tools are steps along the way. If you want to start a management business you’ve come to the […]

Published on February 2, 2017 in Business Start Up

New Year – New You?


Taking stock of 2016 did you see some things you want to change?  Get a do-over for?  Something you didn’t accomplish?  Well if one item was starting a management business you have come to the right place. My workbook and companion downloads will speed up your time frame and improve your chances of success. I wish […]

Published on January 3, 2017 in Business Start Up

Remove Uncertainty


For the last few months it seems all I’ve heard about is uncertainty.  Uncertainty about who will be President, what they will do if elected and now what the new President will or will not do in 2017 and how will the economy react?  Uncertainty around interest rate hikes and what higher interest rates will […]

Published on December 5, 2016 in Business Start Up

Scared of Change?


Change is scary for a lot of people – the unknowns cause anxiety.  Changing your profession or starting a new business is one such change.  You depend on money coming in to pay for expenses and you don’t want that money to stop.  Luckily property management provides for steady income. You don’t have to rely […]

Published on November 2, 2016 in Business Start Up

Summer Reading


“Give me 6 hours to chop down a tree and i will spend the first 4 sharpening the axe” Abe Lincoln said.  For the remainder of this summer I am sharpening my axe (Mind) with some Summer Reading. Here are a few books that I have read in the past that I recommend for anyone […]

Published on August 2, 2016 in Business Start Up

Making and Keeping Promises


To be successful in business, and in life, you need to be accountable.  To be count-on-able you need to make promises and keep promises.  Then people say they can count on you. You may have not kept a promise and as a result felt terrible.  The negative feeling may have stopped you from making any […]

Published on July 7, 2016 in Business Start Up

Astronaut Grew 2″ in 1 Year


Astronaut Scott Kelly grew 2″ after spending 1 year living in the international space station.  No one would think you could grow when you are 52 years old – right? You and I can grow too – well maybe not taller. We can grow personally and professionally and in other targeted areas of our life […]

Published on March 4, 2016 in Business Start Up
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Latest Blog Posts
Why Reinvent the Wheel?

If you are looking to start a management business in preparation for the next business down cycle (recession) you came to the right place.  The reason I wrote this book and created this companion website with downloadable forms was a direct result of construction, architects and realtors that wanted to have a recurring income stream.  […]

Want To Be a Property Manager But Don’t Like Accounting? We Have You Covered

People get into property management for many reasons.  There is the recurring income, for some it is working with people, for others it is the ability to get out of the office and help onsite.  But the hang up for some is they don’t like accounting, so what are you to do?   When starting […]

Recession Proof Your Life

The average business cycle is 61 months long going back to 1950.  We are much farther along at 106 months we are in the 2nd longest business recovery in US history.  When recessions come along real estate sales drop and construction activity drops along with related professions and the general economy.  One thing that doesn’t […]

About the author

Educated at Cornell University. Trained in the United States Army. Russell Munz has taken resources from both of these experiences to benefit you with the documentation included in the Quick Start Property Manager Program. Read more about Russell…

Why this Property Managment Program?

This is a step-by-step guide to becoming a property manager. It walks you through your first 30 days, provides you with checklists, forms, and templates and most of all, shows you how to find clients so you can start earning money fast!

Take a closer look: Front cover | Table of contents | Introduction | Back cover

© 2019 Quick Start Property Manager Program.