You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know


Next week I am taking my executive staff to a full day business training seminar.  There will be 5 great speakers talking about ways to improve the way you operate and how to grow your business. Like the saying goes – you don’t know what you don’t know.  I love going to learning events to […]

Published on February 4, 2016 in Business Start Up

2016 – The Year of You


That’s right – this year you decide what you want. Come up with a clear goal:  Like you want to be a property manager working for yourself. Make your goal measurable:  I want to have x clients that pay $y dollars per month. Give yourself a timeline: I want to achieve this by July 1st and […]

Published on January 14, 2016 in Business Start Up

Do Something You Enjoy


Today is September 11th and I just got back from a funeral of an amazing friend and person who’s light was extinguished too early.  Gerard was a commercial broker and he not only had a passion for life but a passion for real estate and brokerage.  If there’s one thing this day of loss brings […]

Published on September 11, 2015 in Business Start Up

Work Towards A Goal


Want to get somewhere faster?  You got to know where you want to go first. Starting with the end in mind you can make decisions that will build on each other that will help you get you to where you want to go. Some business goals I have used is to reach a certain revenue figure, […]

Published on August 3, 2015 in Business Start Up

Work Independently


If you are starting a management business one of the main benefits is the ability to work independently. You get to set your schedule.  You get to plan your day.  You get to prioritize the work items to be done for the week.  You get to choose what clients you want to sign up and […]

Published on July 1, 2015 in Business Start Up

Become the Expert


In the program I go into detail about how to become viewed as a subject matter expert – in our case a Property Management Expert.  Here are a few techniques that have worked for me: 1) Write up your experience – it can be overseeing projects at your own house, for friends and family, if […]

Published on June 4, 2015 in Business Start Up

75% of the Year Left


Do you review goals on a quarterly basis?  If you made goals or resolutions at New Year’s do you take a look and see how you are tracking after 90 days? If your goal is to start something by the end of the year you have time to start taking steps towards that goal during […]

Published on April 1, 2015 in Business Start Up

New Year Tip – Analyze How You Spend Your Time


I look back every year end to see if I hit my goals and hit my income targets. This year I looked at how I earned money.  On a spreadsheet I listed top to bottom the different categories.  Then I list next to the income category how much I earned.  I also put in the next column […]

Published on January 9, 2015 in Business Start Up

Your Baby


I wanted to share that I am a first time dad with a 3 month old baby boy.  What an amazing life experience.  My wife and I had a hard time deciding on when to have a child (indecision) and we took our time (procrastination) to enjoy each other and have some adventures together.  We […]

Published on November 3, 2014 in Business Start Up

The Start of a New Journey


I just got back from friend’s beautiful destination wedding in the carribean.  Their union is the begining of their new life’s jouney together.  Two people melding prior experiences to forge something new and exciting.  The marriage experience reminds me of a different new journey.  Starting a new career and starting the entrepreneurial journey is similar.  You are melding past experiences […]

Published on November 24, 2013 in Business Start Up
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Why Reinvent the Wheel?

If you are looking to start a management business in preparation for the next business down cycle (recession) you came to the right place.  The reason I wrote this book and created this companion website with downloadable forms was a direct result of construction, architects and realtors that wanted to have a recurring income stream.  […]

Want To Be a Property Manager But Don’t Like Accounting? We Have You Covered

People get into property management for many reasons.  There is the recurring income, for some it is working with people, for others it is the ability to get out of the office and help onsite.  But the hang up for some is they don’t like accounting, so what are you to do?   When starting […]

Recession Proof Your Life

The average business cycle is 61 months long going back to 1950.  We are much farther along at 106 months we are in the 2nd longest business recovery in US history.  When recessions come along real estate sales drop and construction activity drops along with related professions and the general economy.  One thing that doesn’t […]

About the author

Educated at Cornell University. Trained in the United States Army. Russell Munz has taken resources from both of these experiences to benefit you with the documentation included in the Quick Start Property Manager Program. Read more about Russell…

Why this Property Managment Program?

This is a step-by-step guide to becoming a property manager. It walks you through your first 30 days, provides you with checklists, forms, and templates and most of all, shows you how to find clients so you can start earning money fast!

Take a closer look: Front cover | Table of contents | Introduction | Back cover

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